
Solar package 1 is coming: additional incentives for the construction of PV carports

Munich, 23.04.2024 – After a lengthy struggle, the parties in the coalition have agreed on the “Solar Package 1”, which could be voted on by the Bundestag as early as Friday. Among other things, the law is intended to accelerate the expansion of photovoltaics in Germany and facilitate the construction and operation of solar systems. “The package contains long overdue and sensible regulations. However, further measures are needed to successfully implement the energy transition,” says Volker Klös, co-founder of Munich-based solar carport provider Sopago.


Electricity will soon be generated in the parking lot

Lake Constance district – “Welcome to Spülicon Valley!” This is the greeting on a large sign on Winterhalter Straße in Meckenbeuren. The allusion to SiliconValley, the cradle of numerous global corporations, is clear. However, no internet platforms are built here, but dishwashing appliances…..

Solarparkplatz-1280-800 (1)

Charging e-cars at the parking lot: How German authorities are putting the brakes on the simplest solution

The demand for solar carports for electric cars is increasing. Unfortunately, approvals are taking too long, delaying construction work, complains solar start-up Sopago.

Public charging is part of everyday life for many e-car drivers. This also includes charging at parking lots while users are out shopping, for example. Store owners or companies provide charging points in front of their premises for this purpose. To make the charging process as sustainable as possible.


Shadow parking with hurdles

Solar parking lots ” The solar roofing of parking lots is an optimal dual use of already sealed surfaces. However, building regulations are the main obstacle to the implementation of these projects.


The Sopago Solar tip

Save four times over with battery storage – how does it work?

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, energy prices have risen to unprecedented heights. Electricity and gas are more expensive than ever in Germany. How can the virulent concern about electricity shortages be reconciled with the increasing electrification of our vehicle fleet? The experts Harald Baumeister, Managing Director of the full-service solar carport provider Sopago, and Thomas Cloidt, Global Key Account Manager E-Mobility at INTILION, a provider of innovative….


From the pitch to the generator

Solar carports make a major contribution to the energy transition – and are already mandatory in many cases

The Fraunhofer Institute ISE estimates that if all parking spaces in Germany were covered with solar carports, this would cover around ten percent of the country’s electricity needs. A level of supply security that would be comparatively easy to achieve.


Hotel in Sachsen-Anhalt installs solar carport

Benjamin Bachar, Managing Director of the Atrium Hotel Amadeus in Osterfeld, was unable to offer classic car rally organizers any parking spaces to protect their valuable cars from the wind and weather. There were also no charging stations for the many guests from Scandinavia who wanted to arrive in electric cars. By building a modular solar carport system from Munich-based start-up Sopago, he was able to meet both requirements and also cover 60 percent of the hotel’s electricity needs. Top hotel


Atrium Hotel Amadeus relies on solar carport

Sustainable and cost-saving – the country hotel from Saxony-Anhalt is making its hotel parking lots fit for the future. A Munich startup is also on board.

Hotel guests have very different requirements – and they start with mobility: some want covered parking spaces for their valuable classic car, others need fast charging stations for their electric car. “At the same time, as a hotel operator, I want to set an example in terms of sustainability – and keep rising energy costs under control,” says Benjamin Bachar, Managing Director of the Atrium Hotel Amadeus in Osterfeld, Saxony-Anhalt. In order to meet all needs and requirements, he has invested in a solar carport with 41 parking spaces – and is even saving money in the long term.


Hotel in Sachsen-Anhalt meets customer demand with solar carport

A hotelier in Sachsen-Anhalt has had his parking lot covered with a solar roof. In doing so, he is responding to customer requests and becoming a pioneer of the solar energy revolution in the region.

The Atrium Hotel in Osterfeld, Sachsen-Anhalt, belongs to the upper class of country hotels. The clientele is dignified and usually arrives by car. This is not a problem in itself. Because the hotel has a large parking lot.


Convenience, sustainability, security of supply – triple win for future-proof hotel parking spaces


Hotel guests have very different requirements – starting with mobility: some want covered parking spaces for their valuable classic car, others need fast charging stations for their electric car. “At the same time, as a hotel operator, I want to set an example in terms of sustainability – and keep rising energy costs under control,” explains Benjamin Bachar, Managing Director of Hotel Osterfeld GmbH. By investing in a solar carport with 41 parking spaces, he has mastered all these challenges in one fell swoop – and is even saving a lot of money in the long term.


New episode of The smarter E Podcast!

It has now reached all parts of society that mobility behavior is fundamentally changing or has changed. We are dealing to varying degrees with e-mobility, shared mobility, environmental social governance and sustainability, intermodal mobility, semi-autonomous driving, bicycles, scooters, drones, digitalization, changing sales structures and much more. But who is driving the change? Who can implement this with the necessary speed? Benedikt Gerber from eQuota and Harald Baumeister from Sopago GmbH reveal this and more.


New carport supplies electricity

Network of charging stations to be expanded.

Osterfeld/MZ – The Atrium Hotel Amadeus in Osterfeld relies on solar energy. At least in part. This is because the parking lot of the hotel complex has now been largely roofed over. And that’s not all. Solar panels have been installed on the roofs of the carports. “For some time now, we have been working with the owner family to think about what we can do to save energy and generate energy,” says Head of Marketing Benjamin Bachar. While researching on the Internet, they came across a Bavarian start-up that offers such carport solutions.


Photovoltaic obligation for parking spaces: Opportunity or additional burden for SMEs?

(WK-intern) – It is not only private households that are groaning under rising fuel, electricity and gas costs

The price trend in the energy sector is also highly problematic for many companies.

Quite a few also see their security of supply increasingly called into question. Now the legislator feels compelled to act: To ensure a robust economy and lower CO2 emissions, five federal states are already making photovoltaics mandatory for new buildings and parking lots. Why entrepreneurs should not wait until the enforcement….


Hessen: Solar obligation for state buildings and parking lots

The federal state of Hessen is paving the way for a solar obligation on state-owned buildings and parking lots. A corresponding draft law also envisages reserving one percent of the state’s surface area for PV.

The federal state of Hessen wants to introduce a solar obligation for state-owned buildings and parking lots. This is the result of a draft bill to amend the Hessian Energy Act (HEG), which was up for discussion in the Hessian state parliament. It also provides for specific area targets….


Hessen: Introduce mandatory photovoltaics for large parking lots

Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – According to the plans of the state government, a photovoltaic system must be installed on new parking lots with more than 50 parking spaces in future. This is the result of the amendment to the Hessian Energy Act, which was presented to the state parliament in Wiesbaden on Wednesday. The background to this is the state’s plans to become climate-neutral by 2045. State-owned buildings are also to be equipped with mandatory photovoltaic systems. In total, solar power is to be generated on one percent of the land area in Hessen….


Retail can use parking spaces as an energy source

Solar roofs above the parking lots of supermarkets and shopping centers offer enormous potential for the generation of renewable energy. The investment pays for itself after a short time through the electricity saved, and all without taking up additional space, as the Munich-based start-up Sopago calculates.